Section C: Non-Academic Programmes
1. What is the ideal HCI student ?
Our vision is to empower our students to live with passion and lead with compassion, and we aim to nurture them to serve the nation by being leaders in Research, Industry and Government.
We nurture students to live by the core values of 自 强 不 息 (tireless self-improvement with tenacity, innovation and passion), 己 立 立 人, 己 达 达 人 (WIN – WIN) and 饮 水 思 源 (remembering our roots and honouring our benefactors). Our students must remember that all their achievements come from the synergised commitment from many who care for them.
2. How are the students grouped into the various consortia?
Banded arrangements are considered in class placement. Any class banding is to cater to the specific learning needs of our students. The consortium-system is conceptualised for holistic nurturing of all our students and have equal standing.
3. How are CCAs assigned to students?
Students will have the chance to try out different CCAs at the start of the year. Students will also be asked to rank their CCA choices before they are eventually assigned one. Students who display interest and aptitude in a particular CCA will be shortlisted for further trials.
4. How often do students attend CCA training? Are DSA (Sports) students expected to attend more training sessions?
The level of commitment expected from all students is the same for both DSA and Non-DSA students. The number of CCA training sessions varies across CCAs and depends on the period of the CCA’s competitions.