Section A: Direct School Admission - Page 3 (Offer and Commitment)

1. What happens if my son receives

(a) Confirmed Offer (CO) from HCI?

Applicants with a Confirmed Offer are guaranteed a place in HCI, provided that they indicate the school as one of their preferences during the School Preference Exercise, and that they qualify for the Express academic course (AL<=22).

(b) Waitlist (WL) from HCI?

Applicants with a Waitlist Offer should place HCI as their first choice during the School Preference Exercise to better their chances of entry.

2. Must my son stay in the same Sports CCA if he joins HCI through DSA (Sports)?

Taking up a DSA offer is a serious commitment on the part of the student athlete.

Athletes will be required to commit their best efforts to the sport for their entire time at HCI barring exceptional circumstances.

Teachers and coaches at Hwa Chong will be similarly committed to the development of the student. All athletes will participate in regular, systematic and intensive training throughout the year in order to give them the best chance to excel.

Family support is pivotal for a DSA athlete to succeed in any school system. Parents will be important partners to support, engage and motivate their sons in their sporting endeavours.

3. What avenues of support are available to an athlete who cannot cope with training?

Many factors may impinge on performance. Issues such as academic pressures, stress and injury will be comprehensively addressed by the teachers, coaches, sport physiologists and, when necessary, school counsellors.

Student athletes may explore transferring across sports teams to tap on their natural talent in another sport. Such a measure is only taken as a last resort.

4. Are DSA (Academic) students required to join a specific CCA?

CCA requirements vary among DSA categories.

Applicants who enter HCI via DSA-Infocomm are required to enrol in the Infocomm and Robotics Club as their CCA. Applicants who enter HCI via DSA-Chinese Language are strongly encouraged to join the Chinese Society.

Entrants from other DSA (Academic) categories can select CCAs out of their own interests and passions beyond the classroom setting.

5. What are the commitments of a DSA (Academic) student?

It is crucial for all students to start their secondary school journey well. Once the fundamental foundations are in progress, students will be guided with the range of opportunities to stretch their talents in their DSA area.

6. What commitments must a DSA (Leadership) student fulfil, and for how long? Will he be assigned a specific CCA?

Students enrolling at HCI through DSA (Leadership) will be groomed to take on leadership positions.They may start off with positions in the Class Management Committee, and may progress to other student leadership platforms. These include the Consortium Councils, High School Council, CCA Leadership and College Students’ Council, among others. They are not allocated to any specific CCA by default.