Webinar with School Leaders

26 Nov 2021


Register for the webinar now



Following our Principal’s address, hear views from a student’s perspective and ask our school leaders questions.

1030 Welcome by Principal

1045 Presentation by Student

1100 Q & A with School Leaders

1130 End

Important notes regarding our ‘live’ webinars


Our ‘live’ webinars will be conducted via Zoom. Each sign-up allows each registrant to access the webinar using one device.

Upon signing up, each registrant will receive an email reply with a unique Zoom webinar link. Please do not share this link with others as you may not be able to access the webinar once your unique link has been used.

We aim to make these sessions as pleasant as possible for all and endeavour to respect the privacy and security of all attendees. As there is a capacity limit for each session, we urge all to sign up responsibly.

Thank you.